Friday, November 27, 2009

Beer is Success

It's a week early, but I tried some of my beer tonight - and it's actually pretty great.  I was expecting the first batch to be merely okay, preparing myself not to give up right away, but if this is where I'm starting from, great things are possible.  My next batch, I'm already planning well ahead, will be an unmodified Stout kit, and then after that the experiments begin.  I've got a lot of things I want to try.

I recently decided to start making myself write every day.  I haven't set myself a word count, as some writers do - though I may do that eventually - but I am trying to be somewhat disciplined about doing at least some work every day, even if it's more editing than writing.  It does seem to be working.  Progress is still slow, since I just started I haven't built up a tremendous amount of momentum yet, but I have already solved some important problems.  If I can keep it up, this might even turn into a writing blog.

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