Sunday, October 23, 2011

COMPLETION: Sarcastic... Something Red?

Well, I checked a bottle today, and despite being in a rather cool corner for two weeks it's all carbed up and ready to move into the fridge.  It's a pretty pleasant drink, as well.  What it is not, in any respect, is a porter.

Even when I was bottling it, it was pretty red/brown, but it really seems to have lightened even further in the bottle somehow (though it hasn't cleared at all) - it's a cloudy amber, now.

It's not a beer I'd be embarrassed to have produced intentionally, but it's a pretty big defect in what was supposed to be a porter.  I'll have to get another batch on the go quite soon, and fix the grain bill - more chocolate ought to do the trick just fine, maybe a longer boil...  I've promised these to a number of people, so hopefully they can all be patient for another month.

Meanwhile, though, I have to figure out what I'm going to do about labeling these...

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